Founder Karla Miller
Karla started her career in insurance in 2004 and in 2015 she started her own firm,
Miller Insurance Team.
When she's not in front of the computer she likes to spend time with the grandkids
teaching them crafts and other ways to make a mess. Most weekends she can be found
site seeing in the camper or relaxing at home.

DeAnn Payne
DeAnn has worked in the Insurance industry since 2005. 12 years at a life/health insurance company and now at Miller Insurance Team as a Customer Service Representative. Helping individuals has always been important to DeAnn. DeAnn has great attention to detail and loves organizing. This quality has served her well in all work and personal experiences.
When not at work, DeAnn loves to entertain and have company.
Relaxation is working in the yard or scrapbooking.
Leah, Kricket & General Office Mascots

Leah and Kricket, are sisters and are always together. They have kept Karla company
for 13+ years now. Gyzmo is the newest addition and was born in on Christmas 2022.

General was with DeAnn from June 2011 to October 2021 General, DeAnn's service dog had been her 24/7 companion detecting peanut products and alerting her to any possible allergens.
We noticed aging issues including - not able to move without pain, eat and work. Life was no longer a joy for him.
So, at almost 12 years of age, we made the hardest decision - to put him down. We miss him and his constant companionship but are glad he is no longer in pain.
RIP General.